Choosing a web hosting plan always calls for some thorough research. With competition taking a new toll already, thousands of hosting service providers is popping up on daily basis. Amongst them, finding the best one is quite crucial and hard. However, bit of research can always help you to come up with the best challenges in town. The more you research, the higher number of web hosting plans you will come across. But, it might take a little bit of time investment from your side.
Basic plans and advanced ones:
It is mandatory to take help of Web Hosting plans from those companies, offering not one but multiple plans. From basic to advance and even premium plans loads of options available. In case, you are planning to choose the right team, then ensure to check its features first. Will they be able to customize some plans for you and your business growth? Can they provide you with unlimited hosting plans within a set budget plan? Make sure to get these answers straight before the right option comes.
Option available right now:
Well, among so many options and names available, Web Hosting from Host Buddy is the one you should be eyeing for. This company is not just known for offering unlimited hosting plan at a mere price of less than $3 per month, but have divided the hosting plans under here basic packages. With so many options under one panel, you can always choose the right one among the lot.
· Basic plan: To start it off, this company has basic plan, targeted for small websites. It comprises of single website with unlimited dish space and bandwidth. It has 1 MYSQL and MSSQL. Further, it can provide companies with extra services like ASP, PHP and even ASP.NET. Moreover, under the unlimited version you have mail boxes as well.
· Advance plan: Now, this plan is only slated for e-commerce and bloggers. Here, you can procure a maximum package of 6 websites. Here, just like the basic plan, you have unlimited disk space, bandwidth and mailboxes. This plan even has PSP, ASP, ASP.NET. Moreover, there are 6 MSSQL and MYSQL plans available from the same lot already.
· Premium plan: As defined from the name, this plan is designed for host unlimited websites. Here, most of the services are unlimited and it’s true. The package comprises of unlimited bandwidth, websites, databases and disk space. It even has unlimited mailboxes. To top it all, this package comprises of ASP, PHP, ASP.NET sources as well.
No matter whichever one you are planning to sign up for, you might have to pay for it. But, the amount is quite less and easily affordable.
Now you know why:
The points and the packages mentioned above are clearly portraying the fact why this company is leading the chart, when it comes to web hosting plans. Just be sure to know more about the packages well, before you jump for the right one. The services are likely to act in your favor and help you procure the best service of all time.
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