to start your career in digital marketing or planning upon launching your own
website to generate sale? There are a few basic things that you need know about
the functioning of a successful ecommerce website. A web hosting is the first
among many things one needs to know before stepping into the vast arena of the
World Wide Web. Read on to know a few important facts about hosting a website.
What’s with the sudden surge of website hosting?
has become very easy and affordable nowadays to own a website for the emergence
of platforms such Wordpress and Joomla so publicising ones business over the
internet has become the newest trend. Added to that the cost of a good web
hosting has also gone down from the earlier day’s internet protocols so day by
day more and websites are seen online.
are generally four types of website hosting- Virtual Private
Server (VPS), Shared, Cloud hosting and Dedicated. All these types of
hosting servers play the role of a storage centre for a website. However they
differ in the quantity of storage capacity, need for technical knowledge,
control, the speed of server and its reliability.
most advanced among all these hosting services is VPS. A VPS hosting service
divides the server into servers that are virtually present. By virtue of this
VPS makes it possible for each website to get hosted by their own dedicated
servers. However these websites will be actually sharing the server with some
other website owners. The website owners will have the main access to their
owned virtual spaces ad they will get a secure hosting server with the help of
VPS. The VPS is generally chosen by the ones who prefer to have a good amount
of control at the level of their servers but cannot afford to spend on a
dedicated server.
How to choose the right hosting service
a hosting service for your website can be a very challenging issue if you are
new in these matters. However keep in mind these few questions that might
become helpful while choosing your hosting plan.
- Know the kind of uptime you will be provided. Do not agree if you are offered anything less than 99.9 %. Leading companies such as HostBuddy- web hosting have this standard uptime. Also ask the monthly uptime.
- See if you are given a choice in location about the physical presence of your server.
- See to it that they have a strong technical and customer support team available 24/7.
- What are the types of ecommerce attributes include in the plan that you are availing.
- If you have the liberty to switch plans or shift from one type of server hosting to another.
- If they are original or resellers of hosting service.
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